
Free Drumset Music, Warmups & Exercises

Free Drumset Exercises and Music for All Skill Levels!

Free drumset music, warmups, and exercises that improve drum set performance!

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Free Drumset exercises and music

Patrick’s Custom Epiach Drum Set the “Time Machine”

This free drumset music, warmups, and exercises are composed for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced, and include audio examples to improve drum set performance. Download and use them in your warmup routine at no charge, complimentary, on the house, as a gift, etc!  Each of these drum set exercises build upon the previous one and are great learning tools, especially for drum set technique. They’re great workouts for the hands and feet as well as the mind. Be sure to check out the various skill levels which will help with the available drum set equipment too. Below is each exercise divided into three separate skill levels which lets you find the right amount of difficulty for the application. Also included is a warmdown to loosen you up after playing for an extended period of time. When you’re done warming up feel free to check out some drumless tracks in the Drumless Playlist, what a great drum set resource for learning to track drums and have fun at the same time! Play along with your favorite tracks without having the play overtop of the pre-recorded drums! And don’t forget to get in touch for drum set lessons available in Central New York!

Get an email alert when new free drumset warmups are added, or request warmup ideas!

▶️   You’ll also be eligible for a free drum book giveaway each quarter called The Quarterly Note!   ◀️

To hear or download an audio file of each exercise click the 🎵 symbol next to the title.

Or download all the sheet music and audio examples at once here.

Don’t miss the FREE drumline warmups and the FREE pit warmups too!

5. Paradiddles:

Beginner Paradiddles 🎵

Intermediate Paradiddles 🎵

Advanced Paradiddles 🎵

Eighth-Note Groove Study:

All 256 Bass Drum Eighth-Note Grooves 🎵

32+ Standard Eighth-Note Grooves 🎵

Sixteenth-Note Groove Study:

8,195+ Standard Sixteenth-Note Grooves!!!

The exercise above lists ALL 8,195 possible bass drum patterns that contain a downbeat and no bass drum notes under the snares. Without those simple restrictions, there would be 65,536 possible measures! Pick a row and try to play it! (See the instructions tab for more info, this document is pretty intuitive.)

This file also includes a bunch of bonus grooves that actually incorporate bass drum notes under the snares for common patterns and even some that don’t start on beat one! Enjoy!

More drumset exercises by PRFB.net:

Counting Basic Note Values

Sheet music rhythm counting basics

Embellishing the Bass Drum

Advanced drumset bass drum rhythm exercise

Embellishing the Snare Drum

Advanced drumset snare drum rhythm exercise

Embellishing the Hihat

Advanced drumset hihat rhythm exercise

Below are some great tracks to continue your warmup session,
use them for a more realistic way to warm up!

(Drumset Warmup Playlist on Spotify)

Drumset Warmup Music

Now that you’ve gone through the sheet music warmups it would be a good idea to do some practical real-world music related warmups! On the right is an entire playlist dedicated to drumless warmup tunes. Crank the volume and get ready to lay down some drums to these hand-picked tracks that will help you warm up in many styles. The playlist is constantly being updated so check back often for a fresh musical warmup routine!

Once you’re warmed up go check out the Drumless Tracks Playlist to drum along to your favorite tunes without having to play overtop of the pre-recorded drum track!

You know what goes great with playing drum rudiments?
Wearing them!

Check out the drumline clothes and drumline apparel section for tons of great drumline shirts and accessories to wear to your next rehearsal. From things that the whole band will understand, to things that only the drumline will understand, and even things that nobody might understand!

Get your paradiddle drumline shirt right now!

Drumline apparel rudiment drum shirt paradiddle shirt

Below are some additional drum set resources you should consider checking out!

Other publications by Patrick R. F. Blakley:

Drummy Drum, Drummond NovelQuadratics, User ManualInfo Packet, Drumline Warmups, Pit Warmups, Drumset Warmups, and Articles.

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