
Judging Music Notes – A Music Adjudicator’s Notebook


Judging Music Notes: A Music Adjudicator’s Notebook

A judging notebook that saves time and helps develop ideas!

🔔 Patrick R. F. Blakley is JudgingMusic.com – Judging Music Notes is a simple notebook designed for marching band music adjudicators. This 113-page large-format imperial octavo 8.27″x11.69″ notebook is extra tall to accommodate more of your hand-written thoughts and ideas. It comes pre-built with quick music reference topics which help save time writing show notes and also includes some general discussion questions to help dive in a bit deeper at critique. Of course, there is plenty of blank space for your specific notes and discussion topics as well, so fill up each page with your professional opinions and get the most out of your time while judging music! (And don’t forget to print your caption sheet to use as a bookmark!)

This judging notebook comes with well over 100 pages of actual note space and references which means it’ll last a while! With one page per band, most judges will find that a single notepad will last at least one season, if not more! When the show is complete (after critique or the meet-and-greet) just simply tear out the pages and start fresh for the next show. Or, think about keeping the pages intact through the season and use your own notes to reflect on the season and what you learned. Did you comment on big-picture items in the early season and dig into smaller details toward the end? Check your notes and make sure! You can even use your notes to prepare for the next season to come, by reading your notes throughout a past season of judging you can help yourself get into gear before the debut competition. This is more than just a notepad, this judging notebook is a reference in so many different ways. Help bands get better and grow your own abilities by taking professional notes!

A judging notebook for marching band music adjudicators!

Judging Music Notes

A marching band music adjudicator’s notebook

By: Patrick R. F. Blakley

Get Patrick R F Blakley drum books on Amazon

Preview a sample page of the judging notebook here!

All books are also sold in person and all forms of payment are accepted (including credit/debit cards).

Judging Music Notes is a helpful tool for all marching music judges. This notebook pairs very well with another incredible tool created by Caleb Rothe which can be found on his website here. Caleb Rothe created several electronic tote sheets that are all available for free which will help save even more time at shows and makes adjusting numbers lightning quick! His documents all automatically flag ties, sort results, and work back and forth with box scores and rankings. He’s also provided different documents that are consistent with several national circuit sheets too! You can even just print these out as backups which will still save you time. So go find the circuit you’re adjudicating and download an electronic tote sheet right now! They work with laptops, tablets, and they even work offline!


Judging notebook front cover

Other publications by Patrick R. F. Blakley:

Drummy DrumDrummond NovelQuadraticsUser ManualInfo PacketDrumline WarmupsPit WarmupsDrumset Warmups, and Articles.