Question & Answer Submissions – Suggestions & Requests too!
Do you have any burning questions about drums? Or even just some random thoughts you’ve never really asked about? Send them here! Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about drumline, drum sets, and percussion in general. In a future article, any questions received from here will be answered personally and hopefully help you out, along with anyone else that might have similar questions in the future!

So check out the FAQ below with answers to the best of my ability. Then, email a copy of your additional questions to the contact page or directly at
Please feel free to submit any suggestions for site content or even feel free to make requests! Need a very specific warmup or custom excerpt for your group? Try me! If I have a moment to compose something that will benefit your group I would love to help you out – and better yet, help you learn how to do it yourself as you grow in the activity! I’m all ears on this one. Email me at the address above and let’s see your suggestions and requests!
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For the drum set and percussion FAQ check out this article!
Drumline & Marching F.A.Q.
Q: I’m auditioning for my high school’s drumline, what do I do?
A: A great start would be knowing all your rudiments. The reason this is the best starting point is that these rudiments are concrete and the 40 rudiments you’ll need to know don’t change, so you’ll be on very solid ground if you know them. Now, knowing the rudiments will get you a good start in most drumlines, but if you can get a copy of the warmup book in advance (by contacting the instructor if possible) learn the warmups and exercises as best you can before the first practice. For some of the elite groups, you’ll need to memorize this warmup packet as well, if you can do that you’ll have put in the correct amount of time to turn heads at your audition!
Q: How much do I really need to practice?
A: Any mistakes you make in practicing a part by yourself is a mistake avoided when playing the part in rehearsal. You want to, at the very least, iron out all the notes so that you can play the music smoothly by yourself. Now, that is the absolute bare minimum! Remember this cliche: practice is at home, and rehearsal is with the group. It’s true though, if you don’t put in the time at home your pulling the group down by causing everyone to ‘practice’ the part with you at rehearsal because you didn’t do it at home. Don’t do that to your teammates! If you’re truly struggling with a part you should definitely contact a colleague and maybe come to rehearsal early to iron it out with them, but that doesn’t mean you can use that as an excuse to stop practicing that part at home either, keep trying! Practice in digestible chunks, take a break, then chunk again. Prove you know a part cold by taking a break and then playing the whole phrase immediately after with no mistakes. Practice until you can’t get it wrong!
By the way, always practice in front of a mirror!
Q: What do I do to make the snare or tenor line?
A: Hang out with the snare and tenor drummers on break. Ask to see their music. Ask the instructor for a copy of the snare or tenor books. Learn a phrase or more. Learn the warmups! Put in the effort! And then keep in mind you may still not get the part, do it all again, and don’t get frustrated. The way I see it is that nobody can be entitled to play a certain drum, you need to be playing the instrument that will best perfect the group as a whole. If you’re crucial to the bass drum line then rise to the occasion! The audition for the snare or tenor line is during the entire season, show that you’re a leader, show that you’re able to memorize your parts fast, and march with few mistakes by thinking ahead of everyone else. A lot of it is the ability to play the instrument, but arguably, it might be more important to have the right attitude behind the instrument you’re currently playing – all season long!
Q: How fast do I need to be able to play? What BPM?
A: 240bpm minimum, if not faster. The reasoning behind this tempo is simple, it’s twice as fast as the standard 120bpm of the National Anthem, and if you can play twice as fast as someone else you’re obviously better. Ok, yes I’m joking. But this question comes up a lot when the warmups don’t have tempo markings on them and you ask your students to be able to play it at all tempos. Here’s what I’ll say about that… If I hear two students practicing a warmup on break and one is playing a heights exercise as fast as possible and the other is playing it as slow as possible I would probably be inclined to give my attention to the slow tempo with accurate note placement. Being able to play at all tempos means slow tempos too! Many people can play fast, but so many people cannot play slower tempos accurately. Slow things down! If you can play your part slow without rushing I feel like that’s worth more weight than playing it unrealistically fast, and probably ineffectively.
Q: How do I write tenor parts? I’m not a tenor drummer!
A: This is a fun question to explore because most snare drum-oriented people will basically double the snare part but move it around the tenor drums. This creates a 100% vertically aligned sound and will get boring very quickly to the listeners. Quick side note: why do a lot of groups put their best players on snare and then write the exact same part on tenor but move it around the drums? That makes the tenor parts harder, which means the best players should be on tenor right? Ok, side note complete. Now, here are a couple of tips for writing effective tenor parts. Do you have your best players on snare? If so make sure the tenors are playing a counter melody that compliments the snare parts without overwhelming them. If your snares and tenors are all balanced players then you’re in the sweet spot because you can interject ideas between them as long as they all complement each other! That being said, there are always fun ways to make a part less boring than everyone in unison. If the snares have an eighth-note rest in their rhythm why not try filling it in with a tenor note? Overlap some parts of the measure while detaching other parts of the measure. This can be done between snares, tenors, and basses as well. Dissect your parts and distribute the measure or phrase evenly across your drumline, this will create linear parts that can easily complement one another. Also, and most importantly, make sure the tenor parts are physically possible measure to measure. Many times, especially when copying/pasting a part the sticking or drums in the previous measure will prevent the tenor drummer from getting to the drums in the next measure.
Q: Do tenor drum parts always have to end on drum 4?
A: Apparently, yes. Again, joking, please don’t do this all the time! It is uninteresting!
Q: Do I need to be able to play traditional grip to be in the snare section?
A: Depends on the group. Most DCI snareline utilize traditional grip, but not all of them. High school is different though, many do but many don’t. Here’s the thing, don’t worry a ton about it right away if your group uses the traditional grip on snare. Practice the parts and maybe you can nail the audition using matched grip. Then, work with the instructor or a veteran snare member and see if they can help you with your left hand using traditional grip, at least to the point where you can squeeze the part out. Get that wrist turn down first and play double-stops a lot to try to let the right hand help the left hand, in a way. In my groups, if you can prove you can play the part (and have the right attitude) then I can teach you traditional grip, but if you can’t play the part you won’t magically be able to play it with traditional grip all of a sudden. But to really get down to your question, just try to stay relaxed with your left hand and try to understand where you feel the control of the stick coming from. Also, play so much that you get a callus, then take a short break and let it heal a bit because once it’s healed there’s no stopping you!
Q: How do you tune marching drums?
A: When I started out I didn’t believe you could discern an actual pitch from a high-tension marching drum. After a long while within the activity, I realized it’s not as difficult as you might think. So there are 3 ways to tune marching drums, quick, medium, and slow but carefully. You’ll always start with one drum and tune the rest of the line to that master drum at the end. The quickest way to do it is to just get them sounding correct without any regard to pitches. Tune the tenors and basses so the sounds are in the correct order and they don’t jump up or down too much between them. Snares, just crank ’em up, baby! The medium-speed version means you’ll listen more carefully to the intervals between the next size drums (tenors and bass) so that they create a P4 or P5 interval (perfect fourth or perfect fifth). That interval also depends on the show’s music and concept, you may want to play around with it, but in this medium-speed version, you’re not concerned about specific starting pitches, only the intervals between them. Lastly, the slow but careful method would be tuning everything to very specific pitches (and the intervals would obviously be pre-determined). The pitches I tend to choose by default are included in my Drumline Information Packet (along with a bunch of other great knowledge and warmups/exercises).
Q: Why is drumline called Battery?
A: I think the most probable reason people often refer to the drumline as the battery is because of the french word ‘batterie’ which literally means ‘drums’. The term ‘baterie’ means ‘to beat’ in English, and the drum heads you hit are literally called ‘batter’ heads for this reason. But the word ‘battery’ also has a military background from where marching band is also derived. In the military world, a battery is meant as an artillery battery which is designed to support the front lines from further behind, much like a drumline does on a marching band field. Those are the two most strongly connected origins, but the analogy of an electrical battery is also apt since the drumline tends to power the tempo or the band and without it, the group is less energized perhaps; but this comparison is purely coincidental.
Q: Why does drumline dut?
A: The word most drumlines use to keep time while tacit is “dut”. This is a very articulate sound that’s easy to say while exerting oneself. The reason behind it is so the center snare (usually) can keep time within the drumline while not playing in order for everyone to enter together on the next musical entrance. They also subdivide during short-duration rests such as quarter notes to clearly define the space between notes. ‘Dutting’ is not meant to be heard from the audience’s perspective, but sometimes is reliable for the pit / front ensemble to listen back to for timing. I have heard “bup” used, and some groups prefer to just count out loud, or fancier, create some audible or lyric-type vocals to reduce the monotony of the subdivision which can be an interesting tool to keep the brain engaged rather than getting lost in long rests throughout the production.
Q: Why is drumline so hard?
A: Just like anything in life, it takes a lot of practice to get good at something. Don’t get yourself discouraged, it’s hard for everyone at the beginning, and oftentimes the middle and throughout the process of mastering the instrument. I think what this question is really hitting at is that the instrument is visual and also audible, which means there’s another element of difficulty involved. However, you can – and will – improve with both of these sides simultaneously, so that’s good. That being said, the heart of the question comes down to the potential high density of notes where most mid-skilled drummers feel comfortable playing far more notes per measure than mid-skilled wind instrumentalists. Again, it just takes practice, because at least on snare drum you don’t have to worry about pitches, so instead of vertical issues with the pitch you only have to be concerned with horizontal rhythms. I like to tell people that drumming is the easiest instrument because everyone is already a drummer! Anyone can bang on a desk with their fingers, so all you have to do from there is understand more and more rhythms! Now, if you’re adding in the weight of the drums in a marching band’s drumline, then yes, they are the heaviest things currently carried on the field, so I agree, that is hard!
Q: How heavy are drumline drums?
A: Depends on the instrument and the brand, but most can range from 10lbs all the way up to 40lbs or more. Snare drums carry about the same weight as the smaller bass drums in general, and tenors are similar to the bigger bass drums. Keep in mind that bass drums work different muscles in your back too, so it’ll feel different even though they’re similar to snares and tenors in weight. Now, with advances in carrier/harness technology, we’re more able to alleviate some of the uncomfortable problems of carrying drums around a field, but it doesn’t mean it’s lighter! Also worth mentioning, because this happens to pretty much everyone, when you put on the tenors (usually the heaviest instrument in the drumline when they’re sextets) you might think after a minute that “these aren’t so bad”. You might second-guess that thought after a day’s worth of rehearsal! We’ve all had our wind friends in the marching band and drum corps try on our drums, they’ll say the same thing, but they are wrong!
Q: What is front ensemble in marching band?
A: The Front Ensemble is also known as the Pit. If you’ve ever been to an opera performance you’ll notice that the live orchestra is seated in front of the stage lowered below the deck of the stage in what is called the Pit. Marching band uses that term for the heaviest percussion instruments stationed at the front of the field. Now, the instruments in the front ensemble weren’t always just put on the ground in front of the band, nope! As most people that marched a little while back will tell you, they had to carry everything around the field from mallet instruments like marimba and xylophone to bigger drums like timpani and even chimes! All of these instruments were put on harnesses and carried around the field while played. Today we park them up front and house our electronics and mics up front with anything else that is too complicated to move around the field. This is what we refer to as the front ensemble or, for people with less time, the pit!
Q: How marching band works?
A: This question could literally take someone all day long to answer and explain. This could go on to mean the physical workings of the band on the field during a performance, or behind the scenes of how the band is brought to life and even the logistics of moving the band around the state or country to perform. So for the purposes of this question, I’m going to state a brief rundown of a typical show day for a marching band…
Start by waking up pretty early, depending on where the show is you probably will be bused to the show site after rehearsal, which means rehearsal needs to start fairly early – depending on your performance time and how far away the show site is. Get to practice early and get your instrument out, check it over for anything out of the ordinary and you’ll probably want to find some personal space and do a really quick individual warmup by yourself. Meet up with the rest of your section and you’ll probably start practice with a visual basics block or a music warmup with your section. After that, you’re looking at a little time in sub-sectional time to rep some show parts and soon after bringing it back to the full section to play through some show material, if not the entire show in digestible chunks. After this, it’ll be time for either percussion field time where the drumline and pit are alone on a field for the drumline to work drill and music and the pit has something to listen back to. The band or the corps comes next and you’ll see a full ensemble rehearsal which will usually take up a majority of the rehearsal time. Sometimes, depending on the show, you’ll get a lunch break in the middle of rehearsal, but other times you’ll eat after rehearsal and before loading yourself on the bus to travel to the show. From there you’ll change into your uniform (either before the bus ride or after) and get back with your section to do it all again at the show site. Start with sub-sectionals to quickly rep some show parts before warming up with the full section. March yourself with the full ensemble through the parking lot and to the stadium and perform the show for a number. After that, it’s just waiting for the scores and back on the bus!
Q: How is marching band scored?
A: It’s pretty complicated as you may or may not have guessed. Scoring criteria change almost every year but for the most part, there are captions that adjudicators are looking at very specific things within their scope. Most circuits have two field judges, one of whom judges music from an up-close perspective as they walk around the field with the members of the group, the other judges visual while also on the field. The field judges get a very personal perspective of each group they see, musically it’s very easy to hear things like articulation and even tuning of each member on the field, and visually they can see very clearly the performer’s feet and body movements. A lot of circuits have a field percussion judge whose sole job is to listen to the percussion elements of the group and comment – usually musically, on quality and demand. The only other judge that is down on the field is the timing and penalties judge who doesn’t walk around on the field but does make sure the performance time and boundaries are adhered to. Up in the box above the stands are the remaining judges, and these differ the most among circuits. Usually, there is one music judge and one visual judge up top looking at similar things as the field judges, but instead taking in the big picture from an audience member’s perspective. The final judge most circuits have in the box is the General Effect judge, or Overall Effect judge. This judge is, in a way, combining the idea of music and visual coming together to create the effect the designer is going for. Each judge’s score carries a different weight, and usually, the field judges’ scores are weighted much lower than the box judges. The scores are given by each judge as two numbers which are basically a composition number and an execution number, and these numbers basically tell you everything you need to know about what the judge thought. If the two numbers are not close together the judge is saying what you’re trying to do is good, so you’ll need to keep improving to achieve your potential, and if the numbers are close together the judge is saying you’ve maxed out your potential. All the numbers are combined and weighted properly to give you your overall score and thus your placement!
Q: Is marching band a sport?
Q: Is drum corps a sport?
A: Ah, the age-old question. To be completely honest I don’t think this question has an answer because it’s a little subjective in how you define ‘sport’. I personally don’t think it’s an important question either because it doesn’t change the activity in any way, sport or not. For example, let’s talk DCI: Sports teams don’t usually call their away games “touring” the country. Musical artists and stage productions or acts do this when they say they go ‘on tour’. On the other hand, those same artists and acts don’t necessarily compete against other groups either, so that leans more toward sport. To take the definition straight from Sport is an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc. Marching activities are athletic in a way, require skill and physical prowess, and a competitive nature, yes. But in my mind, when I’m preparing for a competition I already know exactly what I’m going to do on the field, nothing is left to chance, unlike football for example, where players need to react to a 100% changing environment. So what I’m saying is that if you were to imagine a branch where a player on a sports team needs to catch a ball, it will split into 2 timelines where they either catch the ball or they don’t. This means the entire game could change based on the outcome of that event. A marching performance has the opposite scenario, where everything is predetermined so much that performers practice to achieve the same outcome for hundreds of hours. I know going into the performance exactly what was going to happen every single time, and if I don’t then I didn’t practice enough. Let’s focus on a word I just mentioned too, “game”. Most sports are also considered games, I know not all are, like racing for another example, but marching band and drum corps are perhaps the furthest from games that you can get! There’s also no defense, which, again unlike racing, is usually required in most sports. Drum corps is often referred to as Marching Music’s Major League, which I think is apt. It’s the equivalent of high-end sports but also presses the sports button in referring to it as a major league, it’s fitting.
So again, I think this comes down to personal preference. I don’t personally think of it as a sport, because when I’m on the field performing I’m doing just that, performing a character in a show or production. I don’t think about the competitive element at all because that part is completely out of my hands as long as I’m executing exactly what I rehearsed. The competitive nature appears during the retreat when they’re announcing scores, but by then I’m no longer in the performance mindset, I’m more closely related to an audience member by then – like waiting for the results of a contest rather than the scores of a sporting event. That being said, I’m sure there are people that think of the competitive environment first, maybe even at practice, and they are also right! The thing is, I believe the term is just a toss-up, and by flipping the marching band and drum corps coin it lands on its edge. It is whatever you want it to be, but it is whatever anybody else wants it to be too!
Q: Are marching band shoes non slip?
A: This is an interesting question because I never actually thought about this before. Marching band shoes are definitely designed with grip in mind, but the bottoms are pretty stiff and flat. I think more importantly they need to be comfortable to march long term while wearing such as parades on hard flat pavement. The benefit that all marching shoes have over normal shoes is that the heel is rounded to allow for rolling feet and toes up as much as possible. So to answer the question, yes to an extent, but they aren’t like cleats for the turf or grass by any means, they are still flat shoes on the bottom.
Q: When is National Marching Band Day?
A: National Marching Music Day is annually on March 4th. This day was sort of discovered rather than created simply because of the homonym of the sounds “March Fourth” and “March Forth”. The day also isn’t exclusive to marching band as March 4th has long been a colloquial day of bettering oneself by moving forward. Personally, I like to celebrate April 4th as Common Time Day being that it’s abbreviated to 4/4 in the US and European date shorthand both!
Q: Is there a marching band for adults?
A: This may or may not surprise you, but yes. Not exactly a marching band, but there are plenty of marching activities you can do after you graduate high school or college. Drum Corps Associates (DCA) is an all-age circuit – actually the oldest circuit in the US. DCA has so many corps that are always looking for performers of any age to come march, some members even march in a DCA corps while still in their high school band! WGI also has independent guard groups without age restrictions as well for those of you interested in continuing colorguard after you graduate. And for you military types, most branches have an associated band, and the one that comes to mind is The Commandant’s Own United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps. I’m sure there are some others I missed, like some private groups, but these are the big ones where you can continue your marching experience as long as you like!
Q: What is drum corps?
A: Drum corps developed from military Fife and Drum Corps, or Drum and Bugle Corps. Drum corps is actually still shorthand for Drum and Bugle Corps today, though they no longer strictly use bugles. As a matter of fact, there are rule proposals on the table to allow all instrumentation into Drum Corps International, the biggest drum corps circuit worldwide. This would turn the drum corps world on its head and really bring us back into the fife and drum corps roots. That being said, for most of the DCI and DCA history drum corps were comprised of percussion, brass, and colorguard (note the lack of woodwinds). Some people refer to drum corps as marching music’s major league but are careful not to call it an adult marching band. The top drum corps in the world tour the United States primarily and rehearse very long hours every day of the summer, sometimes 12 to 14+ hours. I’ve personally been in practices that did not have an end time and went on until 1am or 2am until things were exactly where they needed to be for an upcoming competition. Members will sleep on their tour buses and on gym floors of the hosting high school or college campus at the practice site near a show city. Top DCI corps are pushing the envelope of what’s physically possible to do in regards to music and also drill on the field, if you want to go as far as possible in the marching activity DCI is where it’s at!
Q: What is indoor drumline?
A: Much like DCI is for summer drum corps, WGI – Winter Guard International – is for indoor drumline (as well as winterguard and indoor winds too). If you were to break down a DCI drum corps into its component parts, drumline, winds, and colorguard you are able to watch each of these parts perform on their own terms in a WGI competition. WGI indoor groups are smaller than outdoor groups, but the extreme demand for the performers is still very obviously there! WGI allows performers to play year-round with indoor shows across the country during the coldest months of the year.
Q: When does drum corps season start?
A: Depends on who you are! If you’re a fan and want to go to some shows the competitive season usually begins in mid to late June. If you’re talking about watching groups practice before tour the move-in date is usually late May, but keep in mind many practices are closed rehearsals and video is usually strictly prohibited. Lastly, if you’re a prospective member then the season begins well before November for you! Auditions usually begin in November and you’ll need to have the audition materials memorized well before them if you want to make a top 10 corps. For members of the corps, the seasons overlap if they’re performing with WGI indoor groups and marching DCI as well!
Q: When is drum corps finals?
A: DCI Finals is always in mid-august. DCA finals is always in early September.
Q: What drum corps should I audition for?
A: Let’s keep this relative to some numbers and be honest about your ability and experience. First, most top 10 DCI corps have hundreds, if not thousands of prospective members auditioning for a spot in the corps. When I auditioned for a DCI tenor spot it was after that corps had won the world championship the prior year, there were 76 tenor drummers at the November audition camp gunning for 2 open spots in the tenorline. The snareline had nearly 200 people auditioning, and this was just the November camp in their home city, not counting anyone auditioning at various other camps across the country! Now, if you’re prepared don’t let that discourage you, go in with confidence and make yourself known! There are only so many drums in the front of the room, so try to get yourself on those drums as much as possible. You also may want to try to wear a similar color shirt or outfit every day so that you’re memorable. If the corps provides you with a number to ID you, you may want to bring your own ‘Hello My Name Is” sticker with your name on it. More important than anything though is to bring the skills! Throw down! Be able to play the notes from memory!
So that being said, this is sort of like picking a college, have a couple fall back options too. Remember if you have some DCI experience, even in lower placing corps, it will help you in the future in how to prepare for a top 10 corps! Now, in choosing a corps that’s right for you is all personal preference. Know each corps’ musical and marching styles. If you like the techniques you used in high school you can try to find a corps with similar techniques to what you already know. Scour the internet for videos and see where you think you’d fit in best!
Q: How much do DCI performers get paid?
A: Next question…
Q: How much does it cost to march drums corps?
A: Now there’s the right question! DCI and DCA corps, as well as WGI ensembles, all charge tuition or dues. Each corps charges a different amount for member dues based on the corps’ annual budget and how many members they usually have audition. You can expect to pay several thousand dollars for almost any DCI corps, but the top corps may be even more expensive than that. Most top DCI corps have operational budgets in the millions of dollars, and their dues are also only part of the member’s financial responsibility. As a general guide, I’d say you should budget about $3,500-4,000 if you’re planning on marching in a top 10 DCI corps. DCA corps tend to be a bit lower in tuition payments, so that may help you if you’re just starting to look at the drum corps activity. They rehearse less often (sometimes called weekend corps) and so their operating expenses are lower than DCI. You should still plan on budgeting several hundred dollars if you’re looking at DCA as an option.
Q: How many drum corps are there?
A: DCI currently has about 36 performing corps. DCA has roughly 14. I’m sure there are more that are currently in the process of organizing and establishing themselves, so this number changes a little bit every year.
Q: Which drum corps are all male?
A: Currently there is only one all-male corps in existence and that is the Cavaliers from Rosemont Illinois. Previously there were two DCI corps that were all male but recently the Madison Scouts converted to both male and female membership. The reason behind the Cavaliers all-male membership is because of their history, being founded as boy scout troop 111 in Chicago. Today they are the only brotherhood in the drum corps world.
Q: What is the best marching band in the world?
A: Too subjective for my tastes, but here’s a link where you can decide for yourself!
Q: What is the best drum corps in the world?
A: Again, too subjective, but also again, here’s a link to check things out yourself!
Q: What drumline was on an episode of The Office?
A: RCC! The elite WGI drumline sometimes known as Riverside City College (and I believe it used to be Riverside Community College) from California. The RCC drumline is sponsored by the Blue Devils of DCI fame and a lot of the members march with both groups!
Q: What drumline was on an episode of Parks and Rec?
A: RCC again! The group is based south of San Bernardino and very close to Los Angeles, so being available as the go-to drumline to film is something they like to do!
Q: What drumline was on an episode of…
A: Ok folks, I’m just going to give you this link and say that it was probably RCC.
Q: Who is marching band girl?
A: Anna Eberhard from Denton High School. The video people refer to on this one is of a performance by the Boston Crusaders drum and bugle corps in 2016, so it’s definitely a misnomer calling her “marching band” girl, but hey, I think the drum corps activity is just glad to have the added exposure! I always laughed when people called my drum corps a marching band, but some people do take offense to that. To each their own I suppose!
Q: How many Drumline movies are there?
A: Technically there are 2. The original with Nick Cannon came out in 2002, and then another VH-1 ‘original’ called Drumline: A New Beat came out in 2014. Hope that clears this up for you!
Q: How does Drumline the movie end?
A: It’s been a while since I last watched the movie, but if I remember correctly they shut the lights off in the stadium because the purple team asked nicely and maybe tipped the maintenance person to do it for them (although they did have spotlights at the ready), then a limo rolled out onto the field with Petey Pablo who did a guest appearance with the band. This persuaded the judges to not look into the rule book and find the sections regarding boundary lines, gasoline-powered vehicles, performer’s school enrollment, and pyrotechnics but instead call for a drum-off to decide the winner. Anyway, Nick Cannon and the good guys won the drum off after not getting into a fight this time when they dropped their second pair of sticks on the purple team’s drums at the end. GO ATLANTA!
Got any new questions? Email me at and I’ll include them in the next round of questions to answer! Most of these questions are answered all over the internet, so if you want to specify WHY something is done the way it is, or personally why I would do something a certain way let me know, those are usually the questions we learn the most from. Contact me!