Free Winterguard Audio Compilation Edits!
Get a completely free custom audio compilation to use with your WGI group!
Award-winning FREE winterguard audio compilations! Yes, totally free compilations!
🔔 Patrick R. F. Blakley is – If your winterguard is looking for a simple audio compilation you’re in luck, that can be created for FREE! Click the button below and fill out the request form to start the easy process right now! It really couldn’t be any simpler, so what are you waiting for? Request your free audio compilation edit today!
Eligible guards will perform within any related winterguard circuits (state, regional, or WGI). A “simple compilation” is defined as an audio file with transitions between two or more songs and no manipulations within a single song (trimming cuts for length is allowed). Note: One free winterguard edit per school district only.
Free winterguard music compilations are offered for two reasons: First, we want every winterguard to have incredible performance music and soundtracks regardless of budget or experience levels. And second, I don’t advertise, so word-of-mouth sharing is how I generate interest in my work. I’m confident that any winterguards who utilize my free audio editing service will be so pleased with the result that they’ll share my work with other winterguards and dance ensembles and come back for more work next year! As the ensemble grows we start to talk about more intricate paid music edits and establish a professional relationship that thrives!
Work with an audio expert in the marching and WGI activities and set your group up for success. I am an NYSFBC music judge, a WGI-certified percussion judge, and I have been involved with the marching arts for over 30 years! My work has created a platform for many ensembles across the country competing at the highest levels of competition in the marching arts activity. Several of these groups have medaled at the WGI World Championships event in Dayton, Ohio.
For more intricate audio editing services for winterguard and dance ensembles: