
SyracuseDrums.com Lesson Terms & Conditions

You can use the information below for reference or if you have any questions feel free to email Questions@SyracuseDrums.com

Lesson information, terms, and conditions for your reference:

Payment is due during or before any scheduled lesson and both electronic or cash payments are accepted in person (payment will be requested before the lesson begins). If North Syracuse schools are closed due to weather your lesson will be rescheduled. Lessons may also be canceled or rescheduled due to studio needs. You will be contacted if your lesson is affected for any reason. We are not able to offer refunds for lessons completed.

Please note that if you’re late to your scheduled lesson we’re unable to adjust costs and due to the schedule we may not always be able to accommodate your full lesson duration. Buffers are built into the schedule and minor adjustments may be possible but can’t be guaranteed as that time is also needed for writing lesson recap notes and preparing for the next lesson. If you have a schedule conflict, please text or email the contact in your lesson confirmation email so we can plan a solution accordingly. We will always try to work with you if we know beforehand! Consecutively missed scheduled lessons may incur a fee of 50% of the lesson cost per absence depending on the scheduling demands of the studio or instructor. If your lesson is an in-home appointment any missed lesson will incur a fee of 50% of the lesson cost due to time and travel costs. Clients with any unpaid fees will not be able to schedule new lessons until the account is rectified and brought current.

If you choose to discontinue lessons you may let us know by emailing Lessons@syracusedrums.com or by sending a text. We can also discuss potential schedule change options or breaks in person as well. However, if you miss consecutive lessons for 30 days your time slot will be forfeited and filled by other students currently on the wait list. You may or may not receive notice, but we’ll try our best to contact you about re-submitting a lesson request through the SyracuseDrums.com website. We feel that 30 days is extremely generous so that you may miss a few lessons due to unforeseen circumstances without losing your spot. That being said, it would always be best to contact us about missed lessons or your future schedule.

If the lesson ahead of yours runs long you will still be given your full lesson duration. We make every attempt to stay on schedule but that is not always possible. You will not be cut short of lesson time for reasons outside your control in the studio.

Studio lessons are CCTV video-recorded for safety purposes. The studio drumsets both have multiple webcams for digital lesson purposes, those webcams are unplugged during your lesson and will not be used without your consent.

Your email address can be used for promotions and discounts as well as post-lesson recaps (you would have opted into these during lesson sign-ups). If you’d like to change your email preferences you can do so here. SyracuseDrums.com employees and contractors may be eligible for a commission if you purchase a product through a link on our site or in emails.

Lesson prices are subject to change and you will be notified of any changes to your lesson ahead of time. Typically, price changes are reviewed each calendar year and are not always adjusted. We make every effort to keep your scheduled lessons at your current rate, so as long as you maintain your currently set lesson schedule we will try to lock in your current pricing whenever possible. Should you need to reschedule your date or time then the most recent pricing will be utilized. Note: Failure to pay for lessons may result in the cancellation of services and/or utilization of a third-party agency to set up a payment plan. Reasonable accommodations will be made but your account may also be placed on hold for precautionary measures until paid in full. Please also note that bounced checks will incur a $25 fee.

Lesson time slots are in high demand and, as a result, switching schedules can be quite difficult at times. We do our best to have some reserve slots available but that is not always the case. Please also be aware that our instructors are involved in several other percussive and educational activities that could result in schedule conflicts. We reserve the right to cancel or modify lesson times as needed and you will always be notified in advance. If a conflict results in your lesson time changing and you’re unavailable at that timeframe we will work with you to find a temporary or permanent solution. These solutions may include placing you on the waitlist until a better time opens up, coordinating a lesson time swap with another student, or simply referring you to another location until we’re able to accommodate you again in the future. We will do our absolute best to retain any established Syracuse Drums students!

Please make sure to respect the equipment in the percussion studio and to play each instrument the way you’ve been taught. However, sometimes things break, this is all a part of drumming! You are not responsible for broken consumables in the percussion studio such as drumsticks, mallets, or drum heads as these are not designed to last forever! If something non-consumable in the studio breaks due to student negligence (equipment, cables, instruments, other gear) we will discuss these incidents on a case-by-case basis. Please also note that the percussion studio is fully insured for personal injuries.

Lastly, and possibly most importantly, make sure you are practicing at home between lessons! Music lessons are designed to show you a path and it’s up to you to continue down that path through practicing at home. It’s even better if you come back to your lesson with questions that you might have had along the way while practicing! Most progress will be made at home, and the lessons will help keep you on the rails and show you what/how to practice at home. You will get the most out of these percussion lessons if you put in the time at home. So keep on practicing and make sure to spend time on the fun stuff too!

See also: Proctored Practice Session – Space Rental Agreement

By using this site, you consent to our User Agreement & Privacy Policy

Town of Clay officials: Please note the below data for code compliance as it relates to musical instrument transient noise ordinance. [Accessed on 4/13/24]

Town of Clay NY musical instrument noise level limit code

Latest sound level meter reading on 4/13/2024 at all property line perimeter locations were within allowable limits.

Equipment used: 33-2055 handheld sound level meter. Note that lessons are taught Mondays – Thursdays from 5:30pm to 8:30pm.

Please reach out with any questions: Questions@SyracuseDrums.com